Wednesday, October 23, 2013

You're Gonna Hear me Roarrrr!

My friend Sue just turned 40 and her husband Russ threw her a great party. These chocolate and chocolate chip cupcakes were adorned with some personalized banners and "cougar" paws. It was fun to make these and got the green light from the birthday girl herself. These were the first time I have ever seen my cupcakes "guarded" at a party but that's another story....... Sue has been such a good friend to me but really, she is a good friend to everyone. Sue is a volunteer at just about every function at school, she's on the PTA, she teaches Religion Instruction, she is a Girl Scout leader, and even volunteers at a preschool her children no longer attend! She is a Mother to two young kids and could easily waive the work it takes to show up everywhere in the community wearing a smile and eager to help. I personally have had Sue help my family during a difficult time after Hurricane Sandy. Sue showed up at my home with a minivan FULL to help them. She doesn't rest unless she knows she's contributed her time and/or assistance. The example she sets for her kids is extraordinary. I feel so proud to be in her circle of friends, to share her birthday with her and all the people that care about her.

1 comment:

It's always nice to hear what you have to say!