Trish Hart hosted an engagement party at her home. Everything was black white and red! It was really a beautifully detailed event. Trish asked me to bake 5 dozen cupcakes all assorted flavors, vanilla, chocolate, red velvets with all alternating with white and red icing and edible pearls for the cupcakes without fondant. I loved when customers know exactly what they want and are very specific, there's no guess work for me and this was so easy and fun!
Our tutor, sitter, and friend Emma is having a monumental week. She just celebrated her birthday and today she graduates college! We are so lucky to have Emma in our lives, she is everything I hope my kids are like when they are in their college years. She is super responsible, patient, smart, and of course stylish as you can see she did not request any plain kind of graduate themed cupcakes. She has a bit of a leopard fetish.
Emma deserves all the best in life and we are very proud of her! Congratulations Emma, you are an amazing girl!
Check out her ridiculously gorgeous graduation cap!!! Made by Emma herself!!!!!!
Faviola is a repeat customer with such an eager excitement in her party planning. I met her a year ago when she was pregnant and made her shower cupcakes. She reached out to me and here are her requested red velvet cupcakes for her beautiful baby boy, Ryan to celebrate his Baptism. Faviola lives in Queens and insisted both times that I baked for her that she pick up the cupcakes. I can count on one hand how many times that has happened in the almost 5 years of my Babycakes endeavor.
Faviola wanted a variety of fondant toppers, all light blue, and she and I exchanged ideas. This time around, I felt her complete trust and she's already booked me for Ryan's first birthday! This is what it's really about for me. Gaining someone's trust for their incredibly special events and feeling their support. God Bless you little Ryan!
It was a perfect day to celebrate Julianna's birthday at White Post Farms. I was so happy to finally make farm themed fondant toppers for someone! It was great fun to make a variety of animals for this cute party. Farms have so many staple symbols such as the red barn so that was first on my mental list and then came the four legged and even two legged creatures that are so much fun to get up close and personal with when spending a day at a farm with real live animals you don't see everyday in the suburbs.
Happy Birthday sweet Julianna!
My sweet friend (aka cousin) Emily contacted me so she could surprise her fiancé Kevin with custom cupcakes for his birthday celebration this past weekend. Kevin wears many hats, and I probably could have made a whole variety of toppers with all the jobs and hobbies he has but Emily asked me to make cop themed cupcakes. I researched and sent her some pictures and she selected what toppers she wanted excluding some cute little doughnuts on a topper I had found. I was able to see how please Kevin was first hand when I delivered these to their home in Bayshore. Emily later texted me and told me they were a hit! Happy Birthday Kevin!