Saturday, October 15, 2011

Hay Hay's Day!

It's Hayden's 9th Birthday! My nephew, Hayden has got to have the best smile in the whole world. Everytime I see him, he instantly smiles and my heart melts. It's the first birthday he is celebrating since moving to NY and he'll be surrounded by new friends and family on his day.
Since moving to NY, he has become quite the athlete. He plays basketball, football and is always on the go. He isn't on a hockey team (yet) but his party will include ice skating.
Happy Birthday Hayden!! Thank you for always looking for ways to make us feel good when we're around you..... We are so lucky to have you in our family & we love you so much!!!


  1. These were so yummy! THe presentation is amazing and you put so much love into each of them. You are the best! xo

  2. Hi Netty,

    Your cupcakes look amazing...I am Mary Rudzewick's sister-in-law and she mentioned that the topping to your cupcakes are dairy & egg that the fondant? My son James has a egg/dairy/nut allergy and wanted to know if there was anyway you could make the toppings for his b-day next month (not sure what theme yet) and I would make the actually cupcake to put them on...i totally understand if this is a crazy request but figured I would ask. Thanks!
    Liz Rudzewick

  3. Hi Liz!
    Not at all crazy, I totally understand the restrictions due to allergies. My fondant is made of very simple ingredients...Confectioner's sugar, water, crisco and good old fashioned mini marshmellows. No dairy or eggs or nuts!! I do BUY the black fondant as I have tried for 2 years to make my homemade fondant black but never comes out true black. I will check to be 100% sure of those ingredients tomorrow for you. Please get my number from Mary and we can further discuss ideas!!


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