This adorable platter is mine to cherish forever from my beautiful family. They know my cupcake passion!
I am a stay at home Mom and it's the hardest job I've ever had but the most rewarding one! My cupcake endeavor is so important to me because it is the one "job" I can have without sacrificing the time with my kids. It something I truly love to do and sets the balance I need to meet new people, challenge myself and make people happy. I am very blessed to have this in my life and still be a stay at home Mommy. My daughter recently told me that her Daddy works hard. I asked her, "Does Mommy work hard too?" She said "Yes, Mommy, you do. You make us food and cupcakes for everybody!"
My Mother has been such a support to all that I do, always showing up to my house with some of the ingredients that I use that she'll find on sale, giving out my business cards to her friends and neighbors and simply being interested in every single order I get. If she could drive, I can bet you she'd want to help me deliver these out to my customers!
I meet so many Moms who work full time but still want to have a homemade option for their kids' parties and celebrations. I make sure that I keep things convinient for them since I know time is limited for those who are trying to juggle kid time and a full time career. I hope that all the Moms out there are being celebrated on this special day!!